Real-World Reports from our Customers
We love hearing from the recreational and professional anglers and divers who use CMOR Mapping products every day to find new honey holes. Please take a moment to share your stories and results on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #cmormapping, email us at, or visit a product page to leave an online review.
Capt. Bouncer Smith
fishing legend
“I’ve been bottom fishing for 60 years, and I’ve learned so much by having a CMOR Map.”
“Beautiful thing about this CMOR is that it shows exactly where the wreck is.”
capt. scott walker
Co-Host, into the blue
“I know now when I leave the dock, I’m going to go in confidence and fish where the fish are.”
seth funt
shimano master Brand Ambassador / pelagic university Speaker
“It saves me time, it saves me money, it puts me on fish.”
“BLUEGABE” Arrington
“CMOR Maps has definitely changed the game.”
Miami Mutton Man jr.
Professional Fishing Guide
“I use it every day.”
captain dan
“Florida Fishing Couple” YouTube Channel
“The more information you have, the better.”
captain marc pincus
Reelin Charters
“It gives us so much detail and so much to work with”
“I’ve been learning a lot, catching more fish.”
captain dave marciano
wicked tuna
“If you haven’t checked it out yet, I sincerely suggest you do so.”
flashpoint fishing team
“You can see all of these new sections marked and slammed full of structure of all sorts.”
rick depaiva
slow pitch jigging Expert
“CMOR Mapping chips & and a quality depth finder GPS is paramount for this kind of fishing.”
capt. brandon
lunchbox fishing
“You can see everything. Fish and lobster don’t have a chance.”
rj boyle
professional angler
“If you have Garmin, don’t think you can’t still have the CMOR Map.”
capt. mike
florida sport fishing

This system is impressive. The first weekend paid the investment off in captures. Broke many personal records already. The best application is for structure diving, like spearing in wrecks. It makes a difference as you can target specific spots of the structures especially when you can't see them from the surface. The definition of the images and precision is excellent.
— Alvaro Ordonez
This mapping system has revolutionized our diving. We were all blown away with the ease of use and the accuracy of the map. No waypoints needed!!
—Shawn Durrance
Clearwater, Florida
Middle Grounds Card
Serenity and snapper... #diawareels #engelcoolers #saltlifeoptics #eagleclawhooks #mannsbaitcompany #biminibayoutfitters #sealionboatsofficial #cmormapping
Posted by All Tackle Charters on Tuesday, August 8, 2017
It's all it's cracked up to be. SOLID. Don't care what map you have these images ARE NOT ON IT. It's amazing.
—Travis Horton
Fish don't care if it's Raining or not! Lights out Bassing on Block today. Over 30 fish total, with 4 fish over 40...
Posted by Knot Reel Teeth Sportfishing on Friday, July 7, 2017